When it comes to building your wedding makeup bag, you want to keep things small and simple. Here are my top 4 product recommendations, that will still leave plenty of space in your bag for emergency ibuprofen, breath mints, deodorant and your favourite fragrance.
1. Powder
The quickest and easiest way to reduce unwanted shine or oil is a quick touch up with a light weight powder. A translucent powder will reduce shine without adding colour or coverage. If you want the option of adding some coverage in case a rogue tear slips out, opt for a pressed face powder instead. My favourite options are:
- Rae Morris Invisible Powder: Translucent, reduces shine without adding colour or texture. This is my favourite option because it is compact and can be used without a mirror to reduce shine. It is completely clear, so if you’re light handed there is no way you can accidently ruin the makeup underneath
- Napoleon Perdis Camera Finish Powder: Can be used lightly to reduce shine without adding colour, or can be used to add coverage by using a densely bristled brush or beauty blender
- Charlotte Tilbury Airbrush Flawless Filter: Slightly more coverage than Camera Finish
2. Lipstick
This one is a bit of a no-brainer. If you’re eating, drinking, talking, kissing and laughing all afternoon- your lipstick is going to wear off at some point. If you’re not one to keep on top of topping up your lipstick, opt for a tinted gloss or lip oil that will add hydration and a light wash of colour, without needing to use a mirror or selfie camera to touch up. My two favourites are Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm and Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil.
A cream lipstick can also be used to add extra colour to your cheeks throughout the night if you feel you need it. Simply pop a small amount of lipstick onto your fingers and lightly pat onto your cheeks until it had blended in. Lipsticks like, Hourglass Satin Crème or Confession Ultra Slim High Intensity can be engraved with your wedding date or initials for an extra special addition to your wedding makeup bag.
3. Setting Spray
If you’re dry, dehydrated or you get hot easily- this one is for you. Setting spray is a quick and easy way to refresh your makeup in a way that powder won’t. It will help to rehydrate your makeup without disturbing it, and cool you down in the process. Hot tip: use a handheld fan to speed up the setting process and to make you feel extra fancy.
4. Concealer
Not always necessary, but this would be my ‘just in case’ addition to your wedding makeup touch up bag. Just in case someone kisses you on the cheek with their red lipstick, just in case a child wipes your face with their fingers, just in case you cry off your under-eye makeup. All these things can easily be remedied by adding a small amount of concealer to your fingers and lightly patting over the affected area for a quick refresh. Opt for a concealer that is hydrating, full coverage and the same colour as your skin tone for the best results. Some of my favourites are:
- Hourglass Seamless Finish Foundation Stick (Not a concealer, but it is an easy to use, compact alternative that won’t leak in your bag)
Remember, when it comes to building your touch up bag, you want to keep things simple. The goal is to have a compact selection of products that will allow you to touch up your makeup without taking up too much space. I assure you, you don't need to bring your whole makeup bag with you. Hopefully, you'll be too busy enjoying your wedding day to think about touching up your makeup. But it can be comforting to have a few products on hand that you can use to quickly refresh your makeup- just in case.